Residency must be verified by the Sumners Foundation on all students. Verification for first time applicants is often a lengthy process.
Obtaining money under False Pretense as defined in Section 97-19-53 of the Mississippi Code and may be subject to prosecution.
E. H. Sumners Endowed Scholarship Fund recipients must reside in one of the designated counties. Residency status for dependent students will be based on their parents residing in one of the five counties for at least 12 continuous months prior to the award period; residency status for independent students will be based on the student residing in one of the five counties for at least 12 continuous months prior to the award period. Dependency status requirements for an E. H. Sumners Endowed Scholarship Fund award are the same as the requirements for federal aid. The E. H. Sumners Foundation verifies residency in the appropriate county for all applicants. Verification for the first time is often a lengthy process.
The E. H. Sumners Endowed Scholarships are awarded from endowed funds to full-time undergraduate academically qualified students who legally reside in one of the five counties of Mississippi. The specific amounts for awards will be determined by an annual review of available funds. E. H. Sumners Endowed Scholarships will not be awarded with other non-need based institutional funds.
Receipt of the E. H. Sumners Endowed Scholarship Fund is contingent upon meeting satisfactory academic progress requirements, as defined by federal regulation, and remaining in good standing with the college.
The award amount is based on campus residency. Certain Institutions may reduce award if living off campus. Check the guidelines at the school you are attending for further information.
The E. H. Sumners Endowed Scholarship Fund Application must be completed annually, as well as maintaining continued legal residency in one of the five counties in Mississippi.
The E. H. Sumners Endowed Scholarship funds will not be used for summer school. Those students receiving the E. H. Sumners Endowed Scholarship may qualify for Mississippi Resident Tuition Grant (MTAG) and the Mississippi Eminent Scholars Grant (MESG) as well as need-based financial assistance as indicated by submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
The priority deadline for incoming students is February 1, and for returning undergraduate students, the priority deadline is March 1. By completing the On-line E. H. Sumners Endowed Scholarship Fund Application, you the parent(s) and student certify that you are a bona fide, legal resident, physically residing in one of the following Mississippi counties: Attala, Carroll, Choctaw, Montgomery, or Webster.
Applicants claiming to be independent must live in an eligible county for at least one year prior to obtaining funds. Applicants to medical or dental school must reside in an eligible county for two (2) years.
Applicants cannot attended other schools during this time. Applicants must be gainfully employed and may not be claimed by parents as a dependent.